About the Africa T² Conference

"Building Resilient Transport Infrastructures for Africa's Social and Economic Development"

The conference includes selected technical and scientific presentations, courses, parallel sessions, panel discussions, and product exhibitions. It will focus on the thematic areas:

a. Building resilient roads, their operation, and maintenance
b. Transport infrastructure financing systems
c. Integrated intelligent transport systems in Africa
d. Procurement strategy and contract management
e. Transport infrastructure as a catalyst for Socio-Economic Development

The event aims to share, exchange experiences, and discuss good practices and new technologies in the provision, maintenance, and management of various transport infrastructures. It also provides an opportunity to exchange and transfer technologies for the development of an integrated transport system in an efficient, safe, competitive, and accessible way.

Technology transfer

Promote the transfer of technologies for the development of sustainable transport systems.

Main Objectives of the T² Conference

Establishment of operations

Promote the establishment of technology transfer center operations to facilitate appropriate use in the sector.


Provide a forum for debate and exchange of experiences and opinions based on good practices and innovative solutions in the transport industry.

Previous editions

1st Edition - Arusha, Tanzania, from 23 to 25 May 2001
Organized by the Tanzania Transport Technology Transfer Center:
“Technology Transfer in Road Transport in Africa”

2nd Edition - St. Pietermaritzburg, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, from 20 to 23 September 2005
Organized by the KwaZulu Natal Department of Transport:
“Transportation Technology Transfer in Africa’s Renaissance”

3rd Edition - Mangochi, Malawi, from 23 to 25 May 2007
Organized by the Malawi Ministry of Transport and Public Works
“Technology Transfer for Africa’s Sustainable Transport System”

4th Edition - Windhoek, Namibia, from August 31st to September 4th, 2009
Organized by the Namibian Highway Authority
“Training Opportunities in the Transport Sector”

5th Edition - Arusha, Tanzania, from 21 to 25 November 2011
Organized by the Tanzanian Ministry of Labor through the TanT2 Center:
“Developing Safe, Reliable and Sustainable Transport Systems for Socio-Economic Development in Africa”

6th Edition - Gaborone, Botswana, from 4 to 8 March 2013
Organized by the University of Botswana through the Botswana T2 Center:
“Effective Management of Transport Infrastructure for Economic Recovery in Africa”

7th Edition - Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, from 11 to 15 May 2015
Organized by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Development through the Zimbabwe T2 Center:
"Mobilizing Financing for the Development and Maintenance of Transport Infrastructure for Poverty Alleviation in Africa"

8th Edition - Livingstone, Zambia, from 8 to 10 May 2017
Organized by the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure Development through the Zambia T2 Center:
"Connecting Africa through Sustainable Transport Infrastructure Development"